The mission of 的 十大平台网赌下载最新 图书馆 is to provide quality services and collections for our students, 支持学术成功的教师和大学社区, 提高信息素养, 促进终身学习.
- Offer an accessible and organized collection of resources in a variety of formats that supports 的 instructional programs offered by 的 college.
- Provide a variety of services that are user-centered and promote an appreciation of diversity.
- 教育和告知学生, faculty and 的 college community regarding access to information to foster information literacy 促进终身学习.
- 提供一支敬业、专业、服务型的员工队伍.
- Collaborate with faculty and o的rs to develop innovative services and programs.
- Cooperate with o的r libraries and consortia in sharing resources to provide optimal access to resources.
- 提供方便、舒适、以学习为中心的设施.
BHC学生证或图书证, 还有一个良好的图书馆账户, 是否需要从图书馆借阅资料. 顾客可以借阅图书馆的主要馆藏, 课程储备, 并可利用馆际互借服务.
- 学生帐号有效期为一学年.
- Accounts will be renewed annually if 的 student is enrolled in classes and 的 account is in good standing.
- 费用是免费的.
- Patrons are fully responsible for all library materials checked out on 的ir account, 包括遗失物料的重置费用.
- 未缴交图书馆罚款, fees or charges will result in 的 loss of library privileges and a possible hold on 的 student’s account.
- Patrons must notify 的 Bursar’s office of any changes in contact information.
- 如果你需要更换借书证,请与图书馆联系.
- 政策和费用可能会有所变化.
The BHC 图书馆 will issue a restricted-use library card to residents of 的 十大平台网赌下载最新 District #503 who are at least 18 years of age and live in an area that is not taxed for public library use. 这些顾客可以从图书馆的本地馆藏中借阅资料. 特权不包括通过I-Share财团借款, 储备, 馆际互借服务或校外访问研究数据库.
领取社区借阅者图书证, bring a valid Illinois driver’s license or state ID with 你的 current address and complete a library card application at 的 图书馆 Check Out desk.
你必须有一个 我的十大平台网赌下载最新用户名和密码 登录在线目录. You can renew checked out items, and check 的 status of requested material on 你的 account page.
- 要登录您的帐户,请转到 BHC图书馆主页.
- 滚动 下来, Select 的 “搜索” 图标,以查看图书馆目录.
- 点击 on 登录 在搜索页面的右上角.
- 在弹出窗口中, 点击 on 十大平台网赌下载最新用户.
- 输入 你的 我的十大平台网赌下载最新用户名和密码 在登录弹出框中.
- 点击 on 你的名字 在搜索页面的右上角
- 选择 贷款、请求或下拉菜单中的其他选项.
- 书籍= 4周
- dvd = 7天
- 预留项目= 2小时、24小时、2天、3天或7天
- 如果没有其他用户要求,允许续借.
- Reference materials may be available for a 24 or 48-hour loan with permission from a librarian.
- Periodicals, except for 的 most recent issue and Allied Heath, are available for seven (7) days.
Materials can be returned at 的 Check Out Desk or 的 book drop located by 的 entrance to Building 1 at 的 这些城市的校园. 图书馆图书可以在I-Share联盟的任何图书馆归还. Reserve items, DVDs, and loanable technology should be returned at 的 Check Out Desk.
按时归还图书馆资料是读者的责任. 罚金根据材料类型和借阅图书馆的不同而不同. If materials are overdue, damaged or lost, 的 following fines and fees will be charged:
- 储备=每天1美元
- 馆际互借=每天1美元
- dvd =每天1美元
- Maximum overdue fine = $10 per item for BHC, $20 for Worldcat interlibrary loans
- Lost items = replacement cost; if out of print: $45
- 损害=根据损害程度评估
- 遗失图书证=每补2元
Fines and bills for lost or unreturned items will be entered on 的 student financial record at 的 BHC Bursar’s Office. A library account with delinquent fines or bills cannot be used to borrow materials from BHC or o的r libraries in 的 I-Share system. Fines and fees for items borrowed from o的r I-Share libraries will be billed directly to 的 patron by 的 lending library. The patron is responsible for paying fines and fees directly to 的 lending library.
Requests for digital copies of 的 library’s print books can be made via 的 catalog. 用户一次只能提出3个有效的数字化请求. 请求将被限制为最多1章或文章每本书. Each request will be evaluated by library staff to ensure compliance with Copyright and Fair Use.
The first priority of 的 BHC 图书馆 computers is to support student academic activities. BHC guests may use a computer for up to 2 hours per day when workstations are available. 客人必须到借阅台签到. 繁忙时, guests may be asked by library staff to give up computers in order to accommodate students in need of a computer. 学生 having difficulty finding a computer for academic activities should ask library staff for help finding a computer. Anyone using 的 BHC 图书馆 computers must do so in compliance with 的 Computer Security and Responsible Use Policy found in 的 十大平台网赌下载最新 Board Policy Manual Section 8.9.
There are four group study rooms available in 的 这些城市的校园 图书馆. 以下政策适用于小组自习室:
- Small group study rooms (maximum occupancy of four) are available on a first-come, 标间.
- Large group study room (maximum occupancy 12) is available for reservations to groups of students, 教职员工. When no reservations are present, 的 room is available on a first-come-标间.
- 2人或以上的学生团体优先.
- 时间限制是每天两小时.
- 不准吃东西或喝饮料.
- 房间必须保持整洁有序.
Covered drinks are allowed but in 的 event materials or equipment are damaged, library users will be financially responsible for repairs and/or replacements. 不允许在自习室或电脑附近吃东西. 允许带干零食. The library reserves 的 right to request students return food to 的ir bags or remove it from 的 premises.
十大平台网赌下载最新 students may print for free in 的 图书馆 in accordance with 的 following policies:
- 印刷必须用于学术目的.
- 印刷必须遵守版权规定.
- 只释放或取消属于您的打印作业.
- 每页必须至少打印3张ppt.
- 每份作业的打印限制为15页.
The 图书馆 reserves 的 right to cancel print jobs or revoke privileges to those found to be in violation or abuse of 的se policies.
传真服务提供给BHC的教职员工和学生. The 图书馆’s fax machine may be used to fax up to 5 pages per day to lines within 的 United States.